10,000 Pheasant Rd. 751-2566
751-6416 or 755-5058
RECTORY 751-6416
MON-FRI 8:30-5:00 P.M.
SATURDAY EVENING MASS: 5:30 p.m. (Fulfills Sun. obligation) SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 9:30 10:45 12:00 and 6:00 p.m. WEEKDAY MASS (MON-FRI): 10:00 a.m., Sat. 8:00 a.m. FIRST FRIDAY: 10:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION: 10:00, 5:30 & 6:30 p.m. SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday 2:00-4:00 & 6:30-8:30 p.m. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Sunday at 10:00 p.m. Arrangements must be made in advance at rectory. PERPETUAL NOVENA TO OUR BLESSED LADY: Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. followed by Benediction.
- Isaiah 60, 1-6:
(a) Isaiah was born in or near Jerusalem about 765 B.C. and received his prophetic mission from God about 740 B.C. According to scholars, his writings rank among the world’s great literary masterpieces. He is praised as a highly gifted poet, and a master of a majestic prose style, and was capable of sustained brilliancy of style, highlighted by a gift of magnificent imagery. He was also a theologian of no mean attainments and a very holy man.
Some modern scholars question the Isaian authorship of the entire book. According to them, Isaiah authored Chapters 1-39; Chapters 40-55 are the work of an unknown 6th Century B.C. Jew and were written just before or immediately after the destruction of the Babylonian Empire by King Cyrus who permitted the Jews to return to their homeland; while Chapters 56-66 were written by another unknown Jew immediately after the return of the “remnant” from Babylon in 538 B.C. However, other scholars support with strong arguments the traditional view that Isaiah is the author of the entire work.
(b) Today’s reading is part of a long poem describing for the consolation of the faithful remnant, who were to return to Jerusalem, the future glory of the city. However, it is quite obvious, as history shows, that the prophecy could not have referred to the earthly city of Jerusalem, since at no period of time between its restoration by the returned exiles up to the present day did it attract to itself the nations (Gentiles) of the earth.
Biblical scholars remind us that as Jerusalem and the Davidic dynasty were destroyed by the King of Babylon, its citizens deported and its lands laid waste, the prophets began to use “Israel” and “Jerusalem” (often called “Zion” because it was built on a hill called Mt. Zion) as theological or Messianic symbols. The future “Son of David”, the “Emmanuel” of Isaiah, would set up a new Jerusalem, a new Israel or People of God, no longer geographically or racially confined, but a Kingdom embracing all mankind, called the Catholic Church. The word “Catholic” comes from a Greek word meaning “universal”. Hence today’s prophecy must be understood in what is called a “universalist sense” meaning “a world-view of salvation”.
(c) “Dromedaries” — the camel with one hump, which was commonly found in Arabia and North Africa.
“Gold and frankincense” — used in barter trading at that time as well as gifts worthy of a King.
- Ephesians 3, 2-3 and 5-6:
(a) This letter was written by Paul from his prison in Rome to the Ephesians, whom he had converted between 53-56 A.D.
(b) It should be read as a whole in order to see how fully developed St. Paul’s theology was.
Today’s passage is almost a repetition of Chapter 1, 9-14 of the same epistle and is really a summary of his doctrinal teaching on “God’s secret plan”, which is the salvation of all men without exception. It expresses in theological language the real meaning of today’s feast.
The plan of salvation is called by St. Paul a “mystery”, which in Greek means “a secret”. Even though the Isaian prophecies were universalist in content, nevertheless it was only when Christ came on earth that the “secret plan” (mystery) of God to call even the pagan Gentiles into His Kingdom became fully revealed.
(c) “In Christ Jesus” — this expression should be familiar to readers of St. Paul. It is a reference to the beautiful doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ, into which Gentiles are incorporated and become co-heirs with the Jews. This incorporation is effected by the sacrament of baptism.
- Matthew 2, 1-12:
(a) The event mentioned here has come to be known by a word from the Greek meaning “manifestation” i.e. the revelation of Christ to the Gentiles and their call to belong as first-class citizens to the new Chosen People of God.
(b) Both Matthew and Luke see in the infancy narrative a sign of things to come — Christ’s rejection by the leaders of the Jews and His acceptance by the Gentiles, symbolized by the Magi.
(c) “Magi” comes from a Greek word “Magoi” which means “wise men”, a name usually given to astrologers or priests, whose learning was highly respected. They probably lived in the district beyond the Jordan and the Dead Sea or present-day Arabia, where Jews and Arabs lived together. Other scholars say they were Persians. Undoubtedly they were aware of the Jewish expectation of a great Messiah — King of the House of David.
The “star” was either one of the heavenly bodies or a special creation by God.
The gifts they brought were expensive and of the kind usually offered to Kings. Frankincense and myrrh are resins. Myrrh is a perfume and was used in powdered form for burials (see John 19, 39) as well as a narcotic (see Mark 15, 23), while frankincense is a precious incense used in divine worship.
Note that Isaiah mentioned that the Gentiles (nations) would bring gold and frankincense to the King of the New Jerusalem, Jesus Christ.
Though the gospels are silent as to the number of Magi who came on this visit, an ancient tradition holds that they were three in number, more than likely because three used to be regarded as a perfect number.
(d) Some modern biblical scholars, even Catholics, who have become disciples of three German Protestant scholars (Schmidt, Dibelius and Rudolf Bultmann) have uncritically accepted their method of “form-criticism” or, more accurately, their scientific study of the history of literary forms or types of tradition to be encountered in the N.T. Though a useful tool, it has its dangers as Bultmann shows when it led him to deny that of Jesus of Nazareth, as He actually was in history, we know hardly anything at all. These writers reject the historicity of the event mentioned in today’s gospel, classifying it as a Jewish literary form known as “midrash” — in other words, pure fiction. But a careful study of this literary form shows that this is not the case. Midrash refers to the development of a text of the O.T. in order to apply it to new circumstances, whereas Matthew is describing a new event in sacred history. Historians have shown that the facts concerning Palestine and King Herod, as he narrates them, are perfectly true.
(1) In His infinite goodness, God has gratuitously called all mankind to be His sons and daughters, sharers of His Divine Nature. To accomplish this He founded a new People of God, called today the Catholic or Universal Church, which is His Kingdom on earth.
This new people through the sacrament of baptism are united with Jesus Christ into a Mystical Body. Hence, His church is not an organization but an organism.
Are we always conscious of our personal union with Christ, Our Head and with the Blessed Trinity? Do we live as children of God or followers of the Evil Spirit?
(b) God’s secret plan is now revealed — all mankind are called to become His children and members of His Kingdom on earth. Parents, do you realize that your children must be brought up with a consciousness of their dignity as children of God and reminded of their duty of loyalty to Christ, Our King?
What are you doing to bring others to come to know, love and serve God by prayer, good example, and a willingness to tell others of Christ? Do you contribute to the missions? Do you pressure your Congressmen to bring legislation into conformity with Divine Laws?
(c) We should be warned by the mistakes made by the Israelites of old and the contemporaries of Christ. They were punished for them, but we will merit greater punishment because we live in the full light of the N.T. The pursuit of wealth, power and pleasure caused the downfall of the Chosen People of the O.T., yet we are accused of being as materialistic and pagan as any of the ancient peoples.
King Herod was frightened by the news that a new King was born, whom he thought would contest his throne. We too are frightened by Christ because He is a disturbing element for us who prefer a life of ease and pleasure to walking the road to Calvary.
- Isaiah 42, 1-4 and 6-7.
- Acts 10, 34-38.
- Matthew 3, 13-17. Responsorial Psalm: 29, 1-10.
“Axiomatic also is the finding that children of divorced parents are themselves more likely to have their marriages end up in the divorce courts. Thus the vicious circle.”
— COLUMBIA Magazine, August 1971
(a) The New York Health Services Administration reports that “it is incorrect to consider alcoholism as a problem which is being replaced by a growing drug culture. The two problems exist side by side…. A very high percentage of young narcotic addicts are the products of alcoholic homes. Many heroin addicts are cross-addicted to alcohol. The use of alcohol plays the greatest role in crimes of violence.”
(b) “As against 250,000 heroin addicts in the U.S., there are an estimated 300,000 alcoholics in New York City alone.”
COLUMBIA, August 1971
The U.S. Bishops discussed a paper on the charismatic renewal during the November 1974 meeting in the capitol. Many bishops expressed misgivings with regard to the movement, stating that there have been instances where priests and laity have lost their faith due to involvement in it. However, in a vote on the paper the majority gave qualified support to the movement, while at the same time voicing their recognition of the many dangers of such an “enthusiasm”, as the late Msgr. Roland Knox would call it. Church history has written a sad commentary on the history of these movements, which are by no means new.
On the following month (December) the Southern Baptists Meeting in Louisiana warned members to beware of “certain practices and teachings” of the charismatic movement. “We believe”, they said, “that certain practices and teachings of neo-Pentecostalism — more commonly known as the charismatic movement — lack sufficient scriptural support for acceptance in our churches. We all know that there are always forces seeking to alienate the committed Christian from his faith and commitment.”
Despite the rampant paganism in our society, which at times publicly blasphemes Almighty God, it is heartening to learn that there are still followers of Christ, who are willing to stand up and be counted. For instance, a group of Lutheran Sisters have published two excellent pamphlets on JESUS CHRIST, SUPERSTAR and GODSPELL. They are entitled JESUS MOCKED TODAY and JESUS BLASPHEMED AGAIN. To obtain them, write: Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, 9849 North 40th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85028.
According to an RNS news release another group of Protestant leaders living in Singapore have petitioned the prime minister to ban the film JESUS CHRIST, SUPERSTAR.
Archbishop Bernardin of Cincinnati, Ohio, recently elected head of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, has taken public issue with some of the lax moral views presented in some Catholic publications.
Commenting on LOVE, SEX AND MARRIAGE by Brother Hugo L. Hurst C.F.X., he said: “I disagree completely with what the author says about premarital sex. He seems to say that if premarital sex, including intercourse, does not hurt anyone, or if it contributes to the growth of the couple, there is nothing wrong with it. This is certainly contrary to the church’s traditional teaching. The Bishops in 1973 stated in BASIC TEACHINGS FOR CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: ‘For the Christian there can be no premarital sex… or other acts of impurity.'”
Needless to say, Fr. Charles Curran of the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA is also in conflict with the Bishops because of similar lax views. For example, in SEX, THOUGHTS FOR CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIANS, Fr. Curran writes: “…my contention is that one cannot maintain the opinion that all complete sexual actuations outside marriage and all directly willed imperfect sexual actuations outside marriage constitute grave matter.” This is opposed to traditional Catholic teaching, and no Catholic may in conscience accept it. Only the divinely constituted Magisterium of the Church can rule on matters of faith and morals. Theologians, as such, are not part of the Magisterium, no matter how skilled they may be.
Here is another news item on this theologian. According to the October 28, 1974 issue of the TORONTO STAR (Canada) in the course of a talk given at Toronto’s United Church the day before, he told his audience that using the morning-after pill, loop or other intrauterine contraceptives was not a sin”, that “in some cases abortion can be justified”, that “God can work through an atheist, even the Communists” and so “Christian teaching is not as distinctive as we thought it was”. “At one time”, he said, “we were faced with the fact that Jesus was necessary for salvation.” “Then we discovered that most of the world had never heard of Him.” “We had heaven for Christians and hell for unbelievers, so Catholic theologians invented a place called limbo for people who had never heard of Jesus.”
“Does it appear today”, he asked, “that Christians are different from anybody else? The honest answer must be no.” He said he believes Christ is unique, but “Christians are not the only light in the world. God is experienced through the entire world and many people reach Him by their own paths. The only distinctive things about Christians is their explicit understanding of Jesus.”
This summary of his lecture shows that Fr. Curran, not only denies the Church’s moral teaching, but calls into question her basic dogmas which, for the most part, he caricatures. Yet, he is still employed as Professor of Moral Theology in the CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA and is invited to address priests and laity in many parts of the U.S. This is hard to believe, but apparently the neo-modernists in the Church have paralyzed ecclesiastical authority. Is it any wonder that so many priests and nuns who have studied at CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY, are rebels within the bosom of the Church? Anyone inclined to follow such views should keep before their eyes this warning of Pope Benedict XV (1914): “The nature of the Catholic Faith is such that nothing can be added to it, nothing taken away; either it is held in its entirety or it is rejected totally.” (We are indebted to the REMNANT, December 3, 1974 for the quotes from the TORONTO STAR).
On the question of artificial contraception, Archbishop Bernardin stated that HUMANAE VITAE was an “authoritative teaching of the Church given without ambiguity.”
Turning to the question of divorce and remarriage the Archbishop scored the false view being publicized today by a few liberal theologians. According to them, Christ’s prohibition of divorce and remarriage was not a promulgation of a divine law but the expression of an “ideal”. Hence, for those who cannot strive for and reach such an ideal, divorce and remarriage is permissible. Frs. Curran, Dedek of Chicago (see CONTEMPORARY SEXUAL MORALITY) and Richard McCormick, S.J. are the most vocal protagonists of this view. Others, like Fr. Kennedy M.M., try to justify divorce and remarriage on the ground that the Holy Spirit is manifesting Himself in the large number of Catholics, who are involved in second marriages.
But, as the Archbishop said: “There is no way in which this can be supported by official church teachings.”
A recent issue of L’OSSERVATORE DELLA DOMENICA, a Vatican weekly, also drew attention to this false opinion, which will cause grave damage to the Church if allowed to go unprotested. “The doctrine of the indissolubility of matrimony”, the paper said, “has been and is constantly upheld by the Church’s Magisterium in faithful harmony with Christ’s teachings. Therefore, “according to Church discipline, these people cannot be admitted to the sacraments and are not therefore in full church communion.”
Paul Hallett, columnist for the NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER and a recognized scholar, in an article written for the December 29, 1974 issue, deals with the recent Declaration on Abortion issued by the Congregation For Christian Doctrine in the Vatican and ordered by Pope Paul VI.
Some theologians of liberal bent, he says, will label it “non-infallible”, as they did the Encyclical HUMANAE VITAE on birth-control, meaning by that that it could be erroneous and undergo correction by the Magisterium in the future.
As some people have been taken in by this type of argumentation, it is necessary to state here the meaning of infallibility as applied to such documents. Paul Hallett does it for us with his usual clarity:
“The Declaration, like HUMANAE VITAE, is infallible by reason of the truths that it contains. This infallibility is guaranteed by the constant tradition of the church, of which the Doctrinal Congregation is the witness. The Church cannot lead us into error in a matter so close to salvation as are contraception and abortion. The Second Vatican Council reaffirmed this truth when it said: ‘Although the individual bishops do not enjoy the prerogative of infallibility, they can nevertheless proclaim Christ’s doctrine infallibly. This is so, even when they are dispersed around the world, provided that while maintaining the bond of unity among themselves and with Peter’s successor, and while teaching authentically on a matter of faith and morals they concur in a single viewpoint as the one which must be held conclusively.’ (CONSTITUTION ON THE CHURCH N. 25).
“The Bishops of the world in union with the Holy See”, continues Mr. Hallett, “have always proclaimed both abortion and contraception immoral. If in recent years some bishops have hedged in the subject, they have not taught in union with the Holy See; therefore, their view is worthless. Hence, the teaching of the Church on contraception and abortion is irreformable and infallible. Therefore, the Doctrinal Congregation teaches infallible truth about abortions.”
Those interested in further study should purchase for $1.50 the set of three articles published by Fr. Joseph F. Costanzo S.J. (P.O. Box 12546, Tucson, Arizona 85732). Two of these articles were published in L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO. The first article sets forth the dogmatic basis for the solemn exercise of papal authority on a moral precept (e.g. birth-control); the second is a scholarly review of the published objections put forward by some dissident theologians against HUMANAE VITAE; while the third takes up the question of papal authority to pronounce on natural law precepts.
In the Lawrence, Indiana JOURNAL: “For Sale: Wife’s three Siamese cats. $10 each. Call Fleetwood 8-3629. If woman answers, hang up.”
JANUARY 7th (Tuesday), 9th (Thursday), 14th (Tuesday) and 16th (Thursday). PLACE: First Floor Restaurant Room of the YWCA Building, 1600 Brown Street, El Paso. TIME: 7:15 p.m. COST: $5.00 per person for four sessions. Certificate issued if you attend all sessions.
THE MARXIST MINSTRELS by Dr. David Noebel. This is a 346-page full length book dealing with the Communist cultural offensive, which is geared to subvert America’s youth through music.
There is no doubt that the ‘cold war’ is being waged through rock music, which promotes revolution, drugs and sexual promiscuity. This is a particularly insidious method of warfare as it is aimed at the youth of our nation and employs a medium, which is far more effective than any laws.
The book displays thorough research and deals in full with the various ‘rock’ groups, who are so popular today.
It is a frightening book precisely because every word of it is true and nothing is being done to halt this method of corrupting and subverting the young.
It also reports on experiments done some years ago on the effects of classical, religious and ‘rock’ music on plants. Readers of this Bulletin will recall our report on this a few years ago.
Incidentally, Channel 13 on TV in El Paso is guilty of promoting this type of “music” (so-called). Parents and teenagers should write in and ask for the removal of this late-night program.
This book can be obtained from CHRISTIAN CRUSADE, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74102 for $2.00. Every family should have a copy.
Your prayers are requested for the recovery of Dr. Billy James Hargis, founder of CHRISTIAN CRUSADE, who has spent health and wealth in his efforts to keep Christian values alive in the U.S.A.
Communist asked by the devil: “Do you prefer the Communist or capitalist section of Hell?” “Communist, naturally. I know the heating won’t work.”
The sacrament of Baptism, through which we are made “partakers of the Divine Nature” (St. Peter) and so become children of God with a right to heaven on the title of inheritance, was conferred on:
Amber Leigh Jordan and Jefferson Hill Jordan III, children of Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson Jordan, Jr. Cari Michele Hervol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hervol Christina Susan Zubia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvino Zubia Enrique Herrera, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Herrera, Sr.
MON: + Guiseppina Bozzuto by Mr. and Mrs. Nick Olivieri TUES: + Earl Steck by A.D. Mitchell Family WED: + Colonel Buel T. Rose by CCD THURS: Family of Harold Pease by CCD FRI: + Jacquelyn Gabarron by Family SAT: + Charles E. Fitzgerald by Mrs. Harriet Gerber SUN: (10:45 a.m.) FOR THE PARISHIONERS (12:00 noon) + John J. Kramer by Veronica Kramer
MON: 5:30-6:45 p.m. Grade 10 TUES: 7:00-8:15 p.m. (Gr. 10 full) Grades 9-12 WED: 4:00-5:15 p.m. (Gr. 2-4-5-6 full) Grades 1-6 5:00-6:15 p.m. (All classes full) Grades 6-7-8 6:30-7:45 p.m. Grades 6-7-8 THURS: 4:00-5:15 p.m. Grades 1-5 SAT: 8:30-9:45 a.m. Grades 1-5 10:00-11:15 a.m. Grades 1-5
No student will be admitted to class who is more than 10 min. late.
The ARTS & CRAFTS CLASSES will meet this coming Thursday, January 9th, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the school.
The regular monthly meeting of the ROSARY-ALTAR SOCIETY will be held Thursday evening at 7:30 in the school. The Rosary-Altar monthly Bake Sale will be held next Sunday after all morning masses. All contributions are gratefully received.